RV diesel fuel discount savings. Electronic Funds Source (EFS) Card - Save BIG on RV diesel fuel discount program.
We are Sue and Mark from Our Journey In Myles, full timing since June 2017. We have used the TSD/Open Roads Program since Dec 2019. At 65 feet long overall, we can’t imagine buying fuel at a regular gas station!
As of April 4th 2022, after (31) fuel stops in the truck fueling lanes, we have averaged 43 cents off the pump price. The few times that we chose to purchase fuel “out of network” for routing convenience we still used the TSD/Open Roads fuel card to activate the pump for filling up whatever dollar amount we needed without a discount.
Our latest convenience has been using the Open Roads Freedom Pass. This a new transponder tolling device that works in 26 states! With this new small device on your dash or windshield, your fuel card account will be charged the moment you pass through a toll station. We no longer worry about late “pay by mail” tolling charges showing up months later at our mail forwarding address in Florida when we are elsewhere.
** See our new UPDATED 06-12-2022 Open Roads/TSD Discount Fuel Card Program review video below entitled: “TSD LOGISTICS OPEN ROADS RV FUEL SAVINGS CARD | SAVE BIG ON RV DIESEL FUEL IN TRUCK STOP LANES EP223” 👇
*** See the ORIGINAL 12-19-2019 TSD Discount Fuel Card Program review video below entitled: “RV LIVING | TSD LOGISTICS FUEL PROGRAM EFS CARD REVIEW | RV DIESEL FUEL DISCOUNT SAVINGS – EP96” 👇
Who is TSD Logistics?
TSD Logistics is a trucking company headquartered in in Texarkana TX that offers diversified transportation services throughout North America. When setting up their fleet DIESEL fuel buying program, the company could see that the more fuel they bought, the better pricing they could secure. The idea to expand their fleet fuel buying purchasing power required “more fuel tanks” that needed to be filled. That’s how the idea to include us lucky diesel engine RV owners materialized. We ALL have fuel tanks that need to be filled!
Open Roads is now the program within the TSD Logistics Company that specifically handles the fuel discount program.
Is this program ONLY for DIESEL FUEL purchase?
Yes, this program is for diesel fuel only purchased in the truck lanes at most major truck fueling stations. Even if the truck stop sells diesel in separate RV Lanes at these same truck stops, be advised that the discount will only work in the truck lanes.
The OPEN ROADS/TSD LOGISTICS CARD is accepted at all the big boy diesel truck stops such as T/A, Loves, Petro and dozens more shown in their real time price locating application. Being able to get the same pricing that used to be available only at the mom & pop gas stations off the beaten path makes for a quicker and “collision safe” refueling experience for you while saving a ton of dough. You will have the same room and ease to maneuver that the semi’s have for your tow behind, 5th wheel or motorhome.
I feel that the VOLUME of fuel delivered at the large truck stop chains provides me with a higher probability of always getting fresh and clean fuel. We purchase our Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) in “Jugs” in the truck stop stores rather than a big box store. We choose the “Sealed Jugs” over the truck stop DEF pumps for the EXTREME cleanliness issues the motorhome DEF Systems require. I am choosing to believe the commercial trucking DEF systems are more tolerant to the DEF White Power Crystals that you see sometimes on the truck stop pump nozzles than my motorhome system is.

How much money will I REALLY save?

The EFS app shown above is the original app we used with the TSD Fuel Card. It shows the Quantity of gallons pumped, the Unit Price in $/gallon you paid, and the Sub Total of the purchase. This app is used by many other fuel programs, and was NOT simply for TSD. This required a few extra steps for you to finalize “what you really ending up paying”.
The Discount Received is BEFORE a 65 cent fee is added, and BEFORE you give back 10% of the TSD negotiated trucker’s discount.
This means that for a 65 cent fee, TSD is letting you have 90% of their 100% negotiated discount per gallon that their truckers get!
In the example above, our stop in Porter Indiana saved us $27.04 minus the 65 cent transaction fee minus the return of 10% of the savings ($2.70) for a final amount saved of $24.34. This means that instead of paying the $2.599 pump price per gallon, we paid $2.11 for a savings of 48 cents per gallon. Check out the 08/07/20 entry in the excel spreadsheet posted below to see the Porter Indiana stop “logged” in our cost savings chart.

The New App is Easier to Use!
To make it easier to understand how much your ultimate savings at the pump is, TSD decided the Generic EFS App. was not suited for their “RV Crowd.”
Below is the new “TSD Open Roads App.” that has recently been released. It ONLY SHOWS fuel discount member locations in the map app. section. It also now completely calculates the final fuel savings costs for you by including the 65 cent transaction fee and 10% discount giveback to Open Roads (TSD Logistics). You get to instantly see your EXACT discount savings and price per gallon paid. YAY!

How can I get your Fuel Cost Savings Excel Spreadsheet?
Sue & I decided to create an Excel Spreadsheet to document our diesel cost savings per gallon to help you understand how the discount is calculated, as well as show how substantial the savings are. If you would like a FREE COPY of the spreadsheet shown below to SEE how much money we have saved, and to start documenting YOUR SAVINGS, drop us a line! Enter “Open Roads Diesel Discount Spreadsheet” in the subject line in an email to: [email protected]
Customer Referral Program
Open Roads (TSD Logistics) offers a customer referral incentive for people like Sue & I to tell you about this program to increase their customer base. This allows them to increase their fuel buying purchasing power. When drivers like us use their program, Open Roads is confident others will become ambassadors for this awesome discount Fuel Card Program. THEY WERE RIGHT!
As a show of support to Sue & Mark for bringing this program to your attention, producing our video and explaining the details of how it works, we would appreciate you listing us in the referral space provided on the application form.
Thanks for supporting our channel!
**** Please refer: “Our Journey In Myles” ****
Using THIS link will let Open Roads know you heard about their awesome, “must have” program from Sue and Mark!
Disclosure: Please note this post may contain affiliate links. This means – at no additional cost to you – we earn a commission if you make a purchase using our links. We only link to products and companies we use and recommend. The income goes toward supporting the free content on this site and community.
43 Responses
I have far more pacific pride stations in Oregon than Loves. Can I fuel up at a Pacific Pride?
I just copied and pasted a comment from irv2.com for you here. We have either NEVER bought fuel in Oregon for the RV,……..only gas for the Honda!
Poster from some other RVer:
“Neither PacPride nor CFN are listed as fuel partners. Contact Tara at TSD Logistics (Open Roads) to confirm. The website might not be up-to-date or you might be able to use either and just pay the small out of network fee. 1-800-275-5089 or [email protected] I’ve always activated the pump with my card at every Petro location along I-5 that I’ve used in Oregon. I would imagine Love’s would be the same.”
Hi Mark! I went through the process of signing up and ended up stopping, as the process was asking for account information. (Checking, etc.) So … does TDS Pull directly from a debit or other type of account? I don’t have a problem with that, but am extra security conscious, and wanted to ensure this was legit as far as the process goes. (NOTE: I too would like to utilize the spreadsheet!) Thank you in advance!
Oops … TSD (not TDS) card …
I say it wrong all the time myself!
Hey Bruce:
First off, send me an email at [email protected], and I will GLADLY send the “Cost to RV” spreadsheet. I can’t do it thru this email easily. Secondly, YES! The TSD Logistics Company is a large legit trucking company, with the “Open Roads” fuel discount program as and additional facet of their business model. It truly is the only REAL game in town for great savings. The account needs your SS# so they can go after deadbeats, and your new Open Roads account needs to be tied to either a checking or savings account number. The TSD Card is a debit card, using the TSD negotiated discounts, to buy fuel with your money. They are on the hook for the initial purchase, until your account is debited after the “Real” amount is processed. We average currently 44 cents LESS per gallon then the pump price. Our discounts recently have went over $1.20 per gallon! Some folks use an old dormant checking account they have, and then just keep 3X a fill up in dollars in the account! Good luck,…….don’t pass this program up,……
Thank you such a detailed outline of the TSD program.
I used your referral code to sign up!
Thanks Trica! We are still averaging 44 cents a gallon off the pump prices at the BIG BOY truck stops. We know they aren’t the cheapest, but they ARE the most convenient and safest to maneuver in. The fuel also has the highest probability to be fresh & clean. We never go and search out local “cheaper places” for these reasons.
Mark – just received my TDS card
Didn’t know about the referral system until I got the card 🙁
After reading all the comments here, I think I’m gonna like it.
Yes, I also like the straight in diesel truck lanes.
Heading out on a 2,000 mile trip in a couple of weeks.
Would you please send me a copy of your spreadsheet. Will save me time building one.
Thanks again for your help.
We understand,……..check your email for the spreadsheet & other info & tips!
Just signed up – used you as the referral – Thanks for letting me know about this program!
Thanks Tom. We will start traveling again starting July 20th 2022, and have about 3000 miles planned. At 6.5 mpg, thats 500 gallons. I will feel alot better knowing I am doing what I can by having the card to lower the cost per gallon. I have to admit, it will be a painful fueling season this year.
Open Road is a great fuel saving program. But, you still need to check prices in the area. The discount is on a higher priced bases that other fuel stations.
For example, I have found Truck stop posted cost at $4.75 and Open Road prices at $ 4.07(add the flat fee of $.65 and 10%). The add on cost will average 4 to 6 cents making it $ 4.11 to $ 4.13 per gallon. I found Circel K across the street @ $4.09. Plus I used my American Express and earned 2% reward points. So if I fueled at the Trucks top, I would have paid MORE for my fuel.
Think and do so quick math, make sure you are keeping as much or your money as possible.
Happy Travels
I do not doubt this has been your experience. We simply don’t look at ANYTHING other than the big, roomy, straight laned truck stops directly off the freeways we are traveling. We love being able to start the pump with the card without going in. We like being able to pump up to 400 gallons a day before we reach a dollar limit. (Luxury RV’s can have 275 or more gallon tanks!) If we miss out on some savings I at least have the piece of mind of safety and simplicity for our driving and route planning. Thanks for the comment AK, and thanks for watching!
There’s a comment about “at-the-pump DEF vs the 2.5 gallon box. I drove OTR for 10 years, and we never had issues with the white crystalline “contamination” on the DEF nozzle. DEF is mostly water (urea, actually). Dissolving the crystals in the tank hurts nothing.
Paying upwards of $26 for a box of DEF, rather than ~$4 per gallon at the pump works for me. It is, however, a question of personal choice. Thanks for the info…
Not a world class typist on my Samsung!
I meant that paying $26 dollars for 2.5 gallons of DEF was not preferred to st the pump price of around $4 per gallon.
Please excuse any confusion…
We are so paranoid about DEF Head failure, that we just chose to use the jugs to be PERFECTLY clean. You are probably right about it being OK,……..but I would need to see a study before I would change my anal retentive ways!
Thanks James. Just saw this message. We just bought fuel today (04-27-22) at a T/A in Demotte, Indiana. We saved 56 cents off the pump price. That sure takes some of the sting out of the price/gallon! Thanks for support our channel and efforts to help folks.
Hi! Just used you and Sue as a referral! Thanks for all the info you share, us newbies appreciate it!
Thanks Dawn & Chris! We really do appreciate the support. You will love the savings at the big boy fuel stops. No program is as good. If a better one ever pops up, I will let folks know.
Thanks for the info. Please send me a copy of your tracking spreadsheet. We have been putting off signing up for this because we didn’t like all of our personal account info that was required. So, we just set up a separate checking account which will be used for diesel and now feel more comfortable moving forward with the application.
Just sent it!
The application is a little intimidating with all the personal and sensitive information including bank acct # with routing number to be sent to whom ever receives the sent information. Is there a number to call?
Toll-Free: 800-426-7110
Local: 903-794-1423
Ask for Cortney. The personal info is required because this is not a credit card, but really a debit card attached to your account. TSD assumes you will always have enough money sitting in that account to get paid. They are on the hook for 200 gallons of diesel fuel on some of the large motorhomes out on the road. The routing number allows them to auto daft the assigned account for them to get paid electronically. The SS# is to help them if they need to fill a claim against someone for non-payment.
Having just completed a 7 week RV trip I think some of your comments are misleading. Discounts only apply at locations on the app provided by TSD Logistics. We went to one horrible location in New Mexico which I wouldn’t even get out of my cab for opting for a Love’s location across the street thinking they were covered based on several comments on sites like yours. The penalty was we paid 60¢ more per gallon at Love’s than the site on the app. We would have been better off going to the CircleK station a mile away (10¢ more). Also there are no locations convenient to our home base. Just saying it takes some planning. I consult both Gas Buddy (which has diesel prices) and TSDL each travel day. We have the advantage of looking for fuel without our trailer in tow if the savings warrant it.
Yes,…..you have to use the Open Road App to see the fueling sites that are in the program. Loves has become one of the lower discounted “big boy” locations, averaging only about 16 cents OFF the pump price. T/A by far has been our station of choice for fuel savings. Some areas and states are better than others. In the area around Los Angeles, we had few discounted options. California in general has been tougher for fuel savings. Having said that, in over 18 fuel stops, we have averaged $0.43 OFF the pump price. We only use the large, straight laned, big boy fuel stops directly off the beaten path. We are not comfortable deviated from this easy to plan and safe technique. I agree with you that if I was driving a truck and could disconnect, I would most certainly be using the mom & pop stops and well as any other app that would save some dough!
Would like to receive the RV yearly expenses excel sheet &
TSD LOGISTIC expenses excel sheet.
Wishing you and loved ones a wonderful day.
(Our website is not up yet)
Check your email JoAnna!
Good morning, I am just finding out about this program and I am currently on the road and want to get a card but I am trying to figure out where to have it sent not knowing the processing time. I will be at my granddaughters house in approximately 3-4 weeks but I have other options to have it sent to if it would be processed sooner. It sounds like a great addition to helping out with the cost of traveling.
Don’t take the chance. My advice is to pick the granddaughters place at 3 to 4 weeks out,….AND pay the $20 charge to get it “expedited through their system” if that is still offered.
That is what we did. They are a busy trucking firm,………the RV Card program is a great perk to us,……but a side line business to them.
The sooner you are “certain” to get the card the better. (We average 44 cents off per pump price.)
The extra time will make your timing less problematic.
Good luck.
Thanks so much for your analysis. Please send me a copy of the spreadsheet. I am signing up today for 2 big trips this summer.
Check your email Ken! Just sent it.
Is there a company phone number to call so i can get questions answered
TSD Logistics
7970 Hampton Rd
Texarkana, TX 75503
Toll-Free: 800-426-7110
Local: 903-794-1423
Hi Mark and Sue, I enjoy your YouTube videos and would like you to email me a TSD spreadsheet: We are hoping to begin traveling in our Class A Holiday Rambler soon.Thank you and God Bless, Jackie and Larry Seacat
Check your mail Jackie!
HI Mark: Could you send me your TSD tracking spreadsheet, would like to use it to track my mileage and fuel purchases for my 2018 Newmar Mountain Aire. Thank you
Check your email! Thanks for stopping by,……
Do you need a mdot number?
When I called Loves number they asked for it?
No. Once the card is issued to you, you just use it at the pump, along with your “Control Number” (which will be the last four digits of your SS#)
You will not have to go in to the store to pay any more, and your card limit to pump will be high enough to fill any tank.
Thanks Mark this program is just what I need. Cheryl and I are full time in our Dutch Star all so. Don’t know if you remember but you sent me plans for your desk. I’ll send another photo once we get drawer fronts & doors. We also signed up for the Mail Service. ( So we’re neighbors)
Thanks Ric Snead
Your desk turned out GREAT Ric! It really is amazing none of the big rig outfits offer a “rael” desk option!