Welcome to
Our Journey

We are Sue & Mark, and would love to take you along on our Full-Time RV Adventure!
We are Sue & Mark, and have been retired and on the road Full-Time RVing since June 2017, in our 2014 Newmar Dutch Star, Model 4369 motorhome named “Myles”. We sold our home and stored essentially NOTHING. We intend to Full-Time RV until circumstances tell us otherwise.
Our experience started out at the same level as many folks!
We started out with exactly zero experience, so you can imagine some of the adventures we have had so far! We didn’t even own a tent, much less a sewer hose and TPMS system! The Titanic signage in the photo background above is only sometimes applicable!
What was in our favor was us both having an abundance of enthusiasm and being newly weds! We were both “All IN” from day one. Neither one had to “convince” the other to give this adventure a try. We EXCEL when it comes to working as a team, and truly love each other and life!
Sue & I would LOVE to share what we know SO FAR!
While RV Vlogging ONLY on Facebook, we could see that this RV Living Life Style was way too much fun to continue keeping it a secret for only our Facebook friends. Our YouTube Channel “Our Journey In Myles” was born on December 7th, 2018, and are surprised and very grateful how it has flourished. Thanks to all who have stopped by and given us the support we need to carry on!
Our website has been our second labor of love and went live in December, 2020. Our travel videos are mostly for fun, showing you what we chose to do in each of the cities and states we visit. Before long, the inevitable maintenance, repair, remodeling and a few RV Tips & Tricks videos and posts started to creep in! Spoiler Alert: RV’s aren’t exactly trouble free.
Are you yearning to "Shake Things Up?"
This lifestyle will turn everything you used to know and do on its head. It will make your old life seem like new again, and test your relationship with your travel partner, all while providing you with a satisfaction and appreciation of truly breathing in life as it was meant to be consumed.
We are glad you found our website, and will strive to organize it in a fashion that you can find the information you need from the content we have covered and created so far. Remember to use the magnifying glass “search” field to find articles on the subjects you are interested in.