We Only Recommend What We Use
Over the years of our Full-Time RVing, we have tried a number of products. We often are asked what are some favorite things we use. There’s quite a list. So we put categories of products we like and use on our Amazon Store, just to simplify things.
Our Lists in Our Amazon Store
If you’re interested in our lists, just click here, or go to the main page of our OJiM website and click on the Amazon Store in the top menu.
We also have a number of videos on YouTube and posts on products right here on our website.
Hope this helps! If you have any suggestions of products that you love, please leave a comment below and share with all of us. 🥰

Disclosure: Please note this post may contain affiliate links. This means – at no additional cost to you – we earn a commission if you make a purchase using our links. We only link to products and companies we use and recommend. The income goes toward supporting the free content on this site and community.
4 Responses
Looking for dash cover, I know you mentioned it in one of your videos but can’t seem to find it. We have just purchase a 2014 Newmar 3215. Thank you
It’s a ShurGrip Motorhome Dash Cover by Shade Pro. Here’s the link: https://www.shadepro.net/product/shurgrip-motorhome-dash-cover/
We talked about it in our Garmin review video, Episode 303. We love ours!! Good luck and safe travels!
We are working on our website updates today, 08-08-2023, and am not sure I ever saw this email before. My apologies!
The stainless steel mesh Sewer Sock Company is super low tech and small,……..
I have emailed them in the past,….no response.
I called them in the past,…..no response.
The only way to get a sewer sock is to order it online. http://www.sewersock.net/ Study the sizing chart.
I ordered two because I’m thinking this place may not exist in the future. I got about two years use out of each sock before it is shot.
The size I ordered was RV-101 The sizing chart is on line somewhere. It is not on ebay or Amazon.
We are looking for the mesh sock you put over your sewer hose to prevent mice etc. Can you tell us where to get one please.
The Skinners