Porter Sculpture Park, Montrose, SD

Top 50 American Roadside Attractions - Time Magazine

This Harvest Host is one of those unusual, fun stays for a change from the usual winery or breweries. It truly is one of America’s Top Roadside Attractions. The artist, Wayne Porter has many articles framed and hanging in his office/shed/welcome center to prove it.

Big Rig Friendly and Easy Access

The Porter Sculpture Park can be easily seen from Interstate 90 west of Sioux Falls, SD. Exit 374 is just a hop and a skip from the entrance. There’s a narrow road leading to the park but is easily navigated.

If you are staying as a Harvest Host guest, be aware that there are no hook-ups like most Harvest Hosts

Whimsical Sculpture in a Peaceful Open Field

We had a lovely visit with Wayne who shared the beginnings and insights of his work. Wayne is a self-taught artist and has never taken an art class He learned his skills of blacksmithing from his father. Just talking with Wayne, you can tell he is a creative soul with a passion to create and express. Most of the sculpture is colorful and whimsical and will make you smile. There are a number of works that have signs by them with written insights into his work… I love that! 

The setting of the park makes for a beautiful stay with stunning sunsets and an open sky filled with stars. There was one time during the night that we were serenaded by coyotes. Wayne assured us they were more afraid of us, so not to worries! 

Wayne allows only two RVs to stay at his park over night to allow room for his visitors to park (and there were a lot of visitors while we were there).

Check Out Our YouTube Video on Porter Sculpture Park

Check out the video of our interview along with Wayne Porter’s work. Wayne also has a website to get more detail… http://portersculpturepark.com/

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