Your Ultimate Guide to Cutting-Edge Fire Safety Technology
FULLY Automatic Fire Suppression System
MOTORHOME FIRES ARE ONE OF THE SCARIEST AND POSSIBLY MOST TRAGIC THINGS AN RV OWNER WILL EVER FACE. ALL OF US NEED TO BE PREPARED IF WE EVER HAVE A FIRE EVENT. PROTENG® was created as a FULLY automatic fire suppression system. It is self-contained, heat-activated and environmentally friendly. It minimizes fire damage by effectively extinguishing fire at its initial stage by eliminating heat. If you’ve ever witnessed an RV fire or just seen a video of one, you can see how devastating it can be. Glad we finally had it installed!!

Proteng is always ready to protect and is totally passive. There is no button to press, no pin to pull, no human action of any kind is required. There are no batteries, no large tanks, fancy nozzles or interconnections. Everything you need to suppress a fire is contained in the properly sized, selected and installed section of tubing!

RV Mototrhome Istallation at NIRVC | EP201
Our video shows the Proteng system being installed at the Lawrenceville GA National Indoor RV Center (NIRVC). They have (5) locations nationwide to choose from.
Great Video | How Proteng Works and Why You Need It!
Make certain to view the EXCELLENT “fire drill” video that Angie Morell from NIRVC did that is posted to the Proteng Website. This video explains how Proteng works and also shows an eye opener segment on how quickly things can go wrong while trying to exit your RV in the event of a fire. Mac “The Fire Guy” has articulated that you have less than 30 seconds from the onset of smoke in your fire. I have attached the NIRVC video below:
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