Skydive Chicago – Unique Skydiving Resort

A Unique & Exciting Harvest Hosts Stay Experience!

Sue and I arrived in at the Skydive Chicago private airfield on October 2020. They are a very unique Harvest Hosts location! We arrived on an extremely windy day, already outside of the prime jumping season. All planes and jumpers were grounded for the day.

The Chicago Skydive Harvest Hosts location in Ottawa, Illinois was discovered while doing our route planning with RV LIFE Pro/Trip Wizard . Additionally, Mark used the Harvest Hosts locating application to find stays along our RV Trip Wizard route.

Skydive Chicago specializes in providing a superior event facility to advance the sport of skydiving. Cabins, tent sites, RV sites, Tiki Bar, swimming pond, sandy beach and on site cafe provide the perfect setting for an amazing time. We knew we had to do a Harvest Hosts review!

What are the RV parking conditions like?

Chicago Skydive-Ottawa,Illinois is a member of the vast Harvest Hosts Network. They allow a limited amount of RVers to stay FREE on the grounds to spectate or participate. The parking conditions are super big rig friendly.

Six 30 amp hookups were available for a small additional charge. These “primo sites” were located right next to the airfield runway. They were on grass positioned around a large cluster of mature trees. Sites were directly south of the main hanger.

Mark chose to park across the road to the east of the main airplane hangar parking lot. This was a very flat, hard packed gravel parking lot with plenty of room. Generator use is allowed with the standard good neighbor RV etiquette rules applying.

Water and a dump station is on site, but you should call and check to see if it is allowed and available for Harvest Hosts Member usage! Check first to see if any dump fees are required.

Large Class A Motorhome parked on gravel.

How did our Skydive Chicago Harvest Hosts stay work out?

There is a second story bar and lounge observation area in the main airfield building. On the first floor is the “Eat Up” cafe. It serves an assortment of soups, salads and sandwiches. This is how we patronized this Harvest Hosts. We ordered our evening “travel day” meal. In addition to this, we ordered takeout! Pulled pork sandwiches for our lunch on the road the next day sounded good to me!  Worked out awesome!

Our entire stay was quiet, interesting and peaceful. A stay scheduled during a sponsored special “Jumping Event” would be nothing short of electrifying!

This place was built as a premiere Skydiving Event Venue establishment first and foremost.  During an event, it is filled with young men and women with a zest for life. The facilities and atmosphere of the entire property project having fun!

Call to make sure a particular “Special Venue Weekend” isn’t closed to Harvest Hosts Guests. They could potentially be reserved solid for the “event” jumper crowd only.

So in conclusion, Sue & I loved our stay here! It was in a great location along our RV Trip Wizard planned travel route. We will most certainly be staying here again.

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Check out our RV Harvest Hosts YouTube Playlist at: to see how things turned out at all of the locations we visited and reviewed.

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