UPDATE - July, 2023
6 Yrs Travel in Class A Motorhome
Request our FREE Excel "Cost to Full-Time RV" Spreadsheets!
Only YOU can determine what your families Cost to Full Time RV will be! You need to make appropriate RV equipment selections for your RV Life . You need to research the Cost to RV so you can have accurate expectations up front. Sue & I maintain that a person needs to match the equipment they chose to RV in with a financial budget they can comfortably afford to sustain for the long haul.
You want your RV Life adventure fun and stress free. You need to have enough cash reserves left over in your monthly budget to take care of the “surprise repairs” that come along. Trust us on this one, they WILL come along!
Plan to have enough discretionary funds left over each month to do and see the things you want to do along the way. That’s the whole point to having a house on wheels!
Order our FREE “Cost to Live Full-Time RV” excel spreadsheets with our complete 2018/2019 travel expenses. Our costs are listed across 50 spending categories. Get the BONUS “blank formula-protected template sheet” for yourself! Start out creating your own personalized budget the easy way!
How do I determine what my monthly spending will be?
You are in luck! You have started in the right place! Sue & I will get you on the right track with our easy to use “Cost To RV” spending spreadsheet. With this sheet, you can just start filling in all your personalized costs, and the sheet will start adding things up. The costs that you are not sure of, you can just
We understand that OUR spending on groceries, fuel, vehicle insurance, storage unit costs, RV payments, etcetera, will be different than yours. The beauty of ordering our FREE spreadsheet is that you can use our numbers until you get specific ones of your own! Our spreadsheets allow you to add and subtract numbers that are more in line with your spending, to quickly see how your RV budget will look.
Request our FREE Excel "Cost to RV" Spreadsheets!
Request our free “Cost to Live Full-Time RV” Excel spreadsheet.
Email us at: ourjourneyinmyles@gmail.com
Please put “One Year RV Cost Sheets” in the subject line.
This will give you the blueprint you can use to start crafting a plan that will work for you!
Why are Sue & Mark's costs so high?
Our cost sheets will illustrate costs on the extreme high end for a number of reasons. Turns out, that Class A Motorhome travel is the highest in terms of initial purchase price, depreciation costs, registration fees, insurance, maintenance, repairs AND fuel costs!
The size (length) of our rig limits our selections of campgrounds as well the amounts of sites at each campground that are available to us. Our rig of course will work on 30 amp hookups, but really needs to be on dual 50 amp circuits to work like we prefer it to.
Don’t get scared away if these costs are too high for your budget. Just don’t do your RVing in a Class A Motorhome!
REMEMBER, you & I will go the same places and do the same things.
We will just have less money when it’s all done!
Our Latest July 2023
What about RV Living Costs in a tow behind or 5th wheel?
I have come to believe that the “Best Bang for the RV Buck” is a trailer or 5th wheel matched with a properly sized vehicle pulling it. Understanding all the vehicle rating sticker information affixed to the door jam is crucial! You could very easily spend twice the amount of your trailer for the truck you might need to pull it. Do not short cut the process of learning about how to properly size the truck you will need to pull the trailer you have selected.
We have encountered an amazing number of folks that have had to upgrade their pickup truck once or twice the first year or two. DO NOT be one of these people! Every time you buy and sell a depreciating asset you take a financial bath. Do your homework first, and understand the bumper tongue loading of your fully LOADED tow behind. If you are getting a fifth wheel, find out what the LOADED pin weight of your future trailer will be.
Compare it to the trucks load weight rating. (This is found on a sticker in the drivers door jam.) Learn how the trim levels of each pickup DECREASE the load capacity. Learn how passengers, pets, tools, extra fuel carried, generators, the fifth wheel hitch itself, 4 x4 and engine selections all effect truck load capacity. Make sure you understand GVWR, GCVWR, Rear Axle Weight Ratings, etc. DO NOT buy a truck that will be operating near any of these load ratings.
Here is a link to an EXCELLANT VIDEO by the YouTube channel “Changing Lanes”. It will get you started by explaining all the LOAD RATING TERMINOLOGY you need to understand before you select your Truck/Trailer combination.
Your "style" of RV travel affects your costs!
Our preferred travel style makes our costs higher. We choose to do virtually no BLM (Bureau of Land Management) boondocking, and stay at mostly private campgrounds. We select these campgrounds based on LOCATION only. We want a campground that minimizes ALL of our driving in the area we are exploring.
We love HARVEST HOSTS when we are on the move. We have a number of recent episodes on our Youtube Channel showing the experiences we had at each and every one. Check out our HARVEST HOST POST ARCHIVES.
We have an all electric coach with a residential refrigerator, washer and dryer, and (3) A/C units. A 50 amp hookup is our preferred style! Sue and I (Mark) are retired, so the conveniences we had in our stationary home are what we desire in our rolling home. Most folks would describe us more as RV traveling tourists rather than RV retired campers!
Our 2023 UPDATED Spreadsheet - 61 Months of Full Time RV Travel.
Request our free “Cost to Live Full-Time RV” Excel spreadsheet, NOW WITH 61 MONTH DATA, by emailing us at: ourjourneyinmyles@gmail.com
Put “One Year RV Cost Sheets” in the subject line.
This will give you the blueprint you can use to start crafting a plan that will work for you!
Our 2019 Travel Cost Video
We discussed the Cost To RV Full Time on "The RV Show USA" radio program!
Sue & I were guests on “The RV Show USA” live radio show (February 21st 2020 ) Here is The RV Show USA studio video link for episode #1.
We were on a second time (March 4th 2020 ) to continue our RV Costs conversation. Here is The RV Show USA studio video link for episode #2.
These videos show host Alan Warren (The RV Wingman) in the studio live interviewing Sue & Mark via iphone while in their Class A Motorhome in Fort Myers Florida.
It is show #1, recorded on “The RV Show USA” live radio show (February 21st 2020 ) that we are featuring in OUR VIDEO EPISODE SHOWN BELOW. Check out the amazing, gut wrenching, “behind the scenes action” at 8:50pm in the evening, while we are both in the hot seat as featured guests!
We discussed the Cost To RV Full Time on "The Nomadic Traveler" radio Podcast program!
In January 2020, Sue & I were interviewed by hosts Nicole & Jason of the “The Nomadic Traveler” podcast, a travel podcast about getting out of your house, off of technology and out experiencing life! In this Part 1 of 2 Podcast episode, we discussed our most popular video: “RV LIVING COSTS – ONE YEAR FULL TIME TRAVEL IN A CLASS A MOTORHOME – EP76” published on August 2019.
Use the following link to listen to Part 1 of 2 of this audio podcast.
Use the following link to listen to Part 2 of 2 of this audio podcast.
Checkout the Costs To RV of other travel styles on these highly recommended channels.
Many other Youtube Vloggers have websites and videos outlining their RV living cost profiles. Some cater to smaller tow behind travel trailers such as Kyle & Olivia from the YouTube Channel ” Drivin’ & Vibin’.”
Bob & Pearl from the YT Channel “Just Passing Thru” (or “NEXT EXIT“) is an additional excellent resource for Class A Motorhome travel costs. They also offer to send you a free detailed Excel spreadsheet on Class A Motorhome Full-Time RV living costs simply by asking.
Tell all of these great channels that Mark & Sue from Our Journey In Myles sent you!
Thousand Trails Campground Membership.
Bob & Pearl’s spreadsheet (Available from “NEXT EXIT“) is of particular importance to send for to see the DRAMATIC campground cost savings you can lock in by joining the Thousand Trails Campground Membership Association.
Compare their monthly campground costs to our $1350 monthly “private” campground spending! You will be amazed!
Conventional wisdom is to by a “used membership” on the secondary Thousand Trails Campground membership market if you can afford to purchase it WITHOUT A LOAN.
Some folks do need to purchase the memberships “New” because financing IS available from Thousand Trails Corporate. Buying a membership is a big step and finding the right “plan” within the Thousand Trails offerings can be confusing!
When you sign up for a membership, you must realize you are working with a legally binding contract. Make sure you understand what to reasonably expect from the plan you are signing up for!
Kimberly at Campground Membership Outlet.
One of the secondary market experts with a sterling record for fairness and professionalism is KIMBERLY AT CAMPGROUND MEMBERSHIP OUTLET. She will take the time to explain what all the various tiers and levels of ownership will do for you. She has been working with these complex contracts for more years than almost everyone.
My personal advice to all would be to decide if a membership like this appeals to you and will work for your travel style and situation. Buying it early in your RV Travel Adventure will save you more money them buying it 3 years down the road.
Have KIMBERLY AT CAMPGROUND MEMBERSHIP OUTLET explain in detail the plans that allow booking 120 days out into the future. Discuss the importance of being able to do this as it relates to the more popular and desirable locations throughout the US.
Tell her “Mark & Sue” from Our Journey In Myles sent you! Your mention of our channel referral helps support our efforts with no additional costs to you.)
The costs to RV in a Class A Diesel Pusher can be all over the map! The length, brand and year of the rig you select will GREATLY affect each and every item you need to think about. As just one example, we will tell you how our two years on the road full time has turned out in our 2014 Newmar Dutch Star Model 4369 that we bought used in June of 2017.
Maintenance & repair expenses.
We didn’t keep track of all our expenses the first year out but we did keep all our maintenance and repair records. First year maintenance and repairs were more than the second year because we wanted everything “ship-shape”.
- We needed all new (10) batteries because they were shot (Bought Lifelines) = $2500
- Needed to fully service chassis, as I had poor records from previous owner = $2300
- Major slide issues, Oasis service, jack maintenance, roof sealing, etc. = $7300
- Belts, Trans Oil, Dash A/C charged, Coach Wt, Coolant, Dash electronics = $1300
- New Front Tires and Tyron Tire Bands = $3350
First year out grand total, to get “Ready to Roll”,…….. at $16,750
Our second year out, we kept track of everything from groceries, park fees, entertainment, medical, etc. Our maintenance costs ended up lower at around $7000. These are the costs discussed in the 1st COST video we made, shown above with 12 months of data.
It is entitled: “RV Living Costs | One Year Full Time Travel In A Class A Motorhome EP76”
Below is our 20 month UPDATE to our 1st "Cost to RV" video.
Six months later, after our first cost video, with a total of 20 months of data, we published our second video shown below entitled “RV Living Costs | Two Year Full Time Travel Costs In A Class A Motorhome | Budget Worksheets | EP107”.
Are you working on another "Cost To RV video UPDATE"?
Our third year out was completed in June of 2020, and we have completed working on the new 3rd Cost Video Update!
Stay connected to us by subscribing and ringing the notification bell on our YOUTUBE CHANNEL!
In this 3rd year on the road, we purchased (6) new Motorhome tires. Additionally, we had the RETTROBAND RUNFLAT SAFETY DEVICE installed on the rig. We had some engine work done along the way, as well as FINALLY fixing our full wall slide. Just request our latest cost spreadsheet. (See below)
Request spreadsheet by emailing us at: ourjourneyinmyles@gmail.com
Put “One Year RV Cost Sheets” in the subject line.
Disclosure: Please note this post may contain affiliate links. This means – at no additional cost to you – we earn a commission if you make a purchase using our links. We only link to products and companies we use and recommend. The income goes toward supporting the free content on this site and community.
38 Responses
Would love a copy of your RV budget spreadsheet, Please, Thank you so much!!
Hey guys.
I sent an email to get the spreadsheet but wanted to say I agree with your recommendation of NIRVC. That is who we will be using to purchase our new Class A.
Your videos are great – a ton of super useful info. Looking to retire in about 4 years, and then full-time RV living so we can travel. Would really like to receive your spreadsheet so we can start to set some target goals for our new life.
Check your email!
I would like a copy of your free spreadsheet.
Thank you
It should be in your email!
Hi Mark and Sue,
I love your YouTube Channel and learn a lot form both of you.
Please send me your Spreadsheet of Full Time RVing. We have a 2016 Newmar Ventana 4036 and love traveling and looking to travel much more every year.
Check your email. I will assume you just checked out our latest video published 07-09-2023. The spreadsheet I sent is the 61 month budget sheet version!
I would like to receive a copy of your RV work sheet
Thank you,
Juan Rabionet
Hey Juan,…..
I am so sorry I just scrolled across your cost sheet request that I missed. I want to error on the side of “hope” that this info will still be of some assistance. The website email prompting system was designed by Fred Flintstone and it is crazy “dumb” to work with. Every once in a while folks slip thru the cracks in the system!
Mark& Sue.
Saw your videos for the website thought I would check it out. Looks good can you guys send me the costs excel sheet and your fuel savings sheet. Thanks.
Check your email David. Thanks for stopping by!
Please send the budget spreadsheets
Plz send latest yearly spreadsheet. Thank you. Luv your utubes.
Check your email Carolyn!
Please send a copy of your budget spreadsheet. Thank you
Check your email MJ!
hi can i have a copy of the spreadsheet please
Check your email!
Dear Sue & Mark
I Lionel from France
I’m 54 years old and I owe a usa & French company
i am in the process of informing myself about all the possible points to buy an RV my company is based in florida and i am waiting to be able to come back to the usa to acquire an RV and live full time and travel
I would like to have as much as possible of your experiences on all the positive and negative points like subscriptions for the park for the trips
in order to know what to do and especially to be able to avoid the traps of beginners
If you are going to buy NEW, research on line (via. sites like irv2.com) who you should be buying from. The after the sale service is the most important, not the price. Your research will find about 5 or 6 places,………. consistently.
If I was buying NEW, I would work with National Indoor RV Center (NIRVC) because they have a great reputation as well as 5 stores spread across the US. I know it sounds odd,……but traveling 500 miles to get your RV fixed is the norm. You want a dealer that is large enough to have multiple locations.
We had friends in CA that bought a Dutch Star from Lindstrom RV the first time, and learned a lesson. The second Dutch Star they bought from National Indoor RV, and their third!
If your going new, the wait is almost 6 months now, so order as soon as you can. Give Sales Manager Angie Morell a call. Only work with Angie at first! She is SUPER knowledgable on all things RV. She is the women that does ALL of the NIRVC RV tour videos. Her personal cell phone number is: 214-392-1100 Her email is: amorell@nirvc.com
Tell her I sent you,……Sue & Mark Chandler……from Our Journey In Myles,…….. We get nothing for that actually! She will know to give you her best price and attention though! I have sent a few folks to her now and NIRVC has impressed them enough that they ended up buying from the Dallas store and Atlanta store. I will get the satisfaction that you will be starting your adventure out with the best dealer out there. We will be at NIRVC in Georgia getting repairs in November on our way to Florida. They are still OUR one stop shop for all things RV. Check out a few of our episodes about this place in our “Maintenance Playlist” area.
Check your email for our spreadsheets!
We enjoyed your RV Cost video and would like to get a copy of the spread sheet.
Thank you!!!
Check your email!
Hey. I really enjoy your You Tube videos. I’m planning to do the full time RVing and would really like to receive a copy of what it costs to do what you’re doing also. Thx Mark and Sue and drive safe out there.
Check your email.
I love your content. I’m a 6 year full time pensioner tourist rv’er also. I bought tt 19 years ago. So my stays with them are pretty much free. I suggest you get used TT and Up grade to include RPI, Encore, and lifetime PA. Saves even more money.
I would have to agree with you that is the best way to go to save the most dough! Thanks for watching Beverly,……
Would love a copy of your budget spreadsheet. Thank you!
Check your email!
Would like a copy of your travel expenses in your big rig. We are starting out in a travel trailer and would like to know what to expect as we start our new adventures.
Check your email Christine!
Interested in your RV cost list. Printout.
Check your email Christine!
Please. A copy of your RV costs budget spreadsheet please and thank you.
Check your email Sandra!
One year rv cost shertd
I send it in an email Christine!